Though we are a closed group, we take applications for potential Members. Complete the Initial Contact Form below, and we will reach out to you.
This indicates your preliminary interest in exploring ACIG Members. It is at this step that we will inquire about you with our existing Members.
The application is typical of most insurers. There are number of additional documents which are required for us to begin the underwriting process. So, it is important that the information transmission is complete before we can get started.
We’d like for you to visit our offices to meet our staff and have an in-depth review of the ACIG program, allowing sufficient time for open questions and discussion.
We will visit you. Our team will spend one to two days with your Executive Team and others. They will also visit jobsites with your Director of Safety. The purpose is to conduct a comprehensive risk assessment to a) benchmark your performance, and b) establish future service plan priorities.
One of the most important and effective aspects of ACIG’s risk mitigation model is the collaboration and communication between Members. This happens during any number of meetings. The largest attended meetings are our Annual Meeting in February and our Risk Management Workshop in October. We also have a Safety/Claims Workshop and Builders Quality Summit that a prospective Member may also attend.
A draft timeline of the inquiry and application process is linked below. Sometimes the process can be accelerated into a couple of months. Sometimes it takes years. It all depends on a prospective Member’s objectives, current program, renewal date, and the availability of a membership spot at ACIG. In any event, the more time we are able to carefully work together on the membership journey, the more confident we each can be in the final membership decision.
The ACIG program is different than any conventional insurance program, and our results speak for themselves. But it’s important we collaborate with you and your broker on comparing our program to other outside options available to you; it can be tricky. At the end of the day, it should be clear which direction to go. The ACIG program doesn’t necessarily fit every organization.