ACIG sponsors numerous opportunities for its Members to stay abreast of all the construction and insurance industry changes and best practices. These meetings and workshops offer great forums for exchanging information and listening to quality speakers from Member companies and outside industry professionals.
The meetings and workshops enable attendees to engage in meaningful discussions and dialogue regarding pressing issues confronting risk, safety, quality, and claims managers. Leading construction and insurance professionals are always included as session speakers. What makes our workshops successful is the combination of great topics, location, quality speakers, and the interactive nature of the discussions.
Please see below for a list of our meetings and descriptions of each event.
The Best Practices meeting is one of the key elements of our Project Lifesaver initiative and is the most important meeting for the Members’ executives and senior management personnel to attend and is therefore paired with our Annual Meeting in February. The session lets Members share ideas, best practices, and lessons learned through industry group breakouts throughout the day.
The Autumn Risk Management Workshops allow our Members to meet, discuss and share their ideas on risk management and safety within their organizations. The spotlight is on Member operations.
Many of ACIG’s Members have inside legal counsel as part of their staff. ACIG has recognized the importance of this trend and we dedicated ourselves to bringing these resources together in a networking environment. The In-House Legal Counsel Forum provides general counsel a venue to discuss current legal topics and identify and develop best practices.
Every fall, safety, claims, and risk management professionals are invited to network and learn about issues affecting their organizations. The workshops follow a Tuesday through Thursday format, with educational sessions starting on Wednesday morning and concluding Thursday afternoon. While the classroom sessions are very informative, the evening dinners and outings also offer networking opportunities among peers.
The Construction Industry Institute asserts that safety and quality management are on parallel tracks and developing a culture of quality is one of the keys to improvement. To improve the quality of work on our projects and to develop best practices, we have developed a Builders’ Quality Summit held every two years.
In 2006 ACIG began an initiative to educate our Members’ future leaders about risk management and the ACIG program. The curriculum provides an interactive learning experience. This in-depth program is targeted at senior management and future leaders and is held annually in Dallas.